ALF advanced lightning functional appliance
The ALF (Advanced Lightwire Functional) is an expansion appliance using a continuous light force for the transversal development of the lower and upper arch. The ALF draws its inspiration from the Crozat, the first generation of removable orthodontic appliances. Once installed, this appliance requires fewer office visits and control examinations. The ALF shown here allows for the expansion of the upper jawbone. Usually installed to be removable, it is often cemented or installed in a fix/removable fashion. In fact, some clinicians prefer to apply some undercut to the canines and molars so that the mechanism remains removable: the appliance can thus be removed for assessment of its activation. The wires used in this appliance being very light, patients must not attempt to remove this appliance by themselves. The ALF is available in different models such as the ALF Expansion/Sagittal, the ALF Twin Block, and several others.

Couleurs disponibles
Les patients peuvent eux-mêmes déterminer la couleur de leur appareil. À cet effet, nous remplaçons l’acrylique régulier par un acrylique coloré. Aussi, une à trois couleurs peuvent être choisies par appareil. Enfin, il est bon de savoir que, chez les enfants, cette modification entraîne une meilleure collaboration.