1 800 229-0969



Find all necessary informations (photos and videos) on our supplier’s website, OrthoApnea.com

The OrthoApnea® is an european device allowing patients to be free for laterality and opening. By freeing the respiratory system, it is an effective solution for small to moderate levels of snoring and sleep apnea. It can be an alternative for patients suffering from severe apnea who can’t tolerate the CPAP. It is also effective and appropriate for patients who suffer from apnea along with bruxism.

Marking fact, the mandible is even more propulsed when patients sleep with the mouth wide open. The patented mecanism of the OrthoApnea® is strongly recommended for patients who tend to sleep that way.

It is the only mecanism which can be used in any type of dentition: with removable prostheses, an edentate dentition, with implants to maxillary and/or to the mandible.


    2001 De la Métropole, office 715 Longueuil (Quebec) J4G 1S9

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